Poor reader experiences are supposed to be solved by technology. New tools each year promise to make content management and delivery easy. The open secret is that technology only works if you know how to use it. It only helps if you are willing to examine and adapt your processes. And the true digital transformations only happen when you take a thorough, time-served approach to understand what you should write and for whom.
The organizations that Mekon has helped over the last two decades have invested effort, but it has paid off. We’ve shown them how to use structured content technology to solve their problems; they’ve taken that knowledge and made it their own. Together, we’ve shaped efficient solutions that work for actual human users. Our clients have shared their domain knowledge and we’ve used our industry experience to show them how clear and findable their content can be when it’s carefully tuned to their customers.
Our clients work through some or all of the Mekon consulting process:
1. Content strategy checkup
Quickly understand the approach that works best for your organization, and prepare a business case for change
2. IA and taxonomy
Structure, tune, and organize your content so it speaks to your customers, and they can find it
4. System implementation
Quickly and reliably get new tools and integrations up and running